College of Health Sciences

College of Health Sciences

College of Health Sciences


The university adopts a modern blended method in e-learning using technology.

Academic Advising helps students take responsibility in the teaching and learning process to achieve academic progress.

Academic Advising

Academic advising is a task assigned to faculty members to help students on their academic achievement in the best possible way through guidance and introduction to the rules and regulations. Academic advising also helps students choose the appropriate major that match their interests, as well as help students overcome any problems, whether social or academic, that may affect their learning progress. 

Objectives of the Academic Advising

To provide advising services that meet students’ needs, and in which it contribute in developing their skills that help them in achieving their academic goals. Academic Advising Unit also seeks to develop their services in accordance with academic advising international standards that are applied in various educational institutions.

Some of Academic Advising Services

Support and assist new students by developing their skills in order to adapt and adjust with the new university life by conducting orientation programs that clarify university rules and regulations.

Develop and promote students planning skills in order to enable students to apply the appropriate study plan that suit their circumstances.

Develop and promote students ability to determine their objectives and choose the major that suits their abilities and interests.

Develop organization and time investment skills.

Enable students to support their confidence by themselves.

Rules and Regulations

  • Registration: The required number of levels for graduation is eight levels according to the academic calendar. 
  •  Registration is during one week prior the beginning of the semester and  according to the academic calendar.
  • Early registration: For the following semester starts from the 10th week of the semester.
  • Deletion: Student may withdraw from the University for a semester, without being considered as having failed the courses, if they present an acceptable excuse to the Deanship of Admission & Registration.
    • Three weeks prior the end of the semester with full refund.
    • After the end of week three of the semester without refund.
  • Drop: Students may withdraw from one or more courses without refund, if the application is submitted prior the end of week eight of the semester .
  • Postponement: Students may apply for postponement if they have an acceptable excuse approved by the Deanship of Admission & Registration. The postponement should be submitted prior to the end of first week of the semester. 
  • Warning: Students with cumulative GPA is below 1.00 will be placed on Academic Warning.
  • Denial: Students will be denied entry to the final exam if their absence totally reached 25% of credit hours or virtual classes.
  • Absence from final Examination: Students' mark will considered zero and their grade is calculated based on their submitted work. .


GPA Calculation

Semester GPA =   Total semester points Total number of semester credits

Cumulative GPA = Total semester points \ Total number of semester credits

For more information visit this link:

The responsibility of students

  • Students should have full responsibility for their performance and transcripts in the electronic system.

  • Students should continuously follow up their college department and communicate with their instructors and academic advisors. 

  • It is very important to participate during lectures and discussions.

  • Students have to attend lectures on time and submit all assignments before the deadline.

  • Students should be aware of every details of academic calendar that inform all their deadlines of postponement. 

  • Students should follow up any updating announcements through E-mail, billboard, website (blackboard).

To contact

For The Department - 2nd Floor - Room No. 2032
For The Faculty member - 3rd Floor
Telephone: 2613500
Extension: 3407