Scientific Research Deanship - Vision, Mission, and Goals

Vision, Mission, and Goals

Vision, Mission, and Goals


Achieve outstanding scientific research in various areas of knowledge.


Encourage distinguished research work through the creation of an attractive and stimulating environment to achieve goals of both the University and the society.


1. Encourage research, authorship, translation and publishing at the university.

2. Follow up the strategic plan of national development particularly in areas of scientific research.

3. Conduct research and studies that are aiming at achieving the goals of building a knowledge-based society.

4. Encourage faculty members and other researchers conducting innovative scientific research.

5. Develop cooperation with local and international centres of research.

6. Place rules to promote conducting scientific research.

7. Propose establishing scientific research centres and place general plans for it.

8. Identify encouraging rewards for distinguished research works.

9. Recommend approval of the publication of research that deserves to be published after arbitration in accordance with the arbitration rules and publishing at the university.

10. Recommend issuing scientific journals.